December 5, 2009

Become a Bollywood star in France !!!!!!!!!

Aspiring to become a Bollywood star may be a  dream of many Indian youngsters but in France one can become bolly star without coming to India and trying that hard. It is the love of Bollywood films that brought Sarah Loosdregt and Sophie Legoubin to India and they  set up limona studio in the French capital. Limona Studio gives an excellent opportunity to create your own stunning poster in a truly bolly style where you are  no less than any bolly star rather you are the only star!!!

These posters are made by Indian Poster artist from Mumbai, belonging  to the family of Painters who have created  magical posters in bollywood since the golden era of Indian cinema. The painters work in oil on a strong canvas. They create customized posters , one can put anything one wants in the posters , from pets, friends , family, house , car, etc. To get a personal poster, one has to send his /her picture and they take care of the rest . One can either select the style from the catalog ( they have huge collection of the Indian film Posters from Mother India to Judwa ) or can design on his own. Sarah and Sophie works directly with these painters and come to India very often.  Their aim is to keep the Indian Poster art alive.


India–inspirit truly applaud  Limona Studio’s  efforts to keep the kitschy art of India alive , and get the public to appreciate  it and the most important to support our artists…. Pls check their site at (though, it is in French ) for more such posters. They are living their passion!!!!!!


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